Patient Detail Utility Report
The Patient Detail Utility Report allows you to gather specific information about all the patients in your pharmacy or patients within a certain age group. This will give your pharmacy the ability to target patient's for prescriptions or programs, such as vaccine scheduling and administration.
This utility report can only be printed from the server and not on the workstations.
The information that is generated in the report is:
Patient Status
Patient Name (Last, First and Middle)
Primary Phone Number
Date of Birth
Last Fill Date (corresponds to the last time the patient was in the pharmacy)
To generate the report:
From the desktop, double-click the McKesson PTS Utilities or Propharm Utilities folder.
Double-click Custom Utility Patient Detail PRx or Custom Utility Detail RxDM. A window opens to run the report.
Select if you want the report run for [1] All Patients or [2] By Age Range and press enter.
If you selected [1] All Patients, the report is generated and the window closes.
If you selected [2] By Age Range:
For Lowest Age?, enter the lowest age in the range you want the report to run for and press enter.
For Up to or Highest, enter the highest age in the range you want the report to run for and press enter.
The report is generated and the window closes.
Once generated, the report can be accessed from the McKesson PTS Utilities folder by right-clicking on Custom Utility Patient Detail PRx or Custom Utility Detail RxDM and selecting Open file location.
The report is saved as a CSV file, with the file name beginning with Patient Detail followed by the date the report was run and what criteria was chosen when the report was generated.
The report is sorted by Patient Status (e.g., Active followed by Inactive patients) and the sorted by Patient Last Name.